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  • Actualités de l'industrie
  • Mammite, Métrite, Agalactie (MMA)

    Mammite, Métrite, Agalactie (MMA)

    Mastitis, metritis and agalactia, commonly referred to as MMA, is a complex syndrome seen in sows shortly (12 hours to three days) after farrowing. It is caused by a bacterial infection of the mammary glands (udder) and/or the urogenital tr···...More>>

  • Top 5 des choses à faire quand vous voyez des cochons avec la diarrhée

    Top 5 des choses à faire quand vous voyez des cochons avec la diarrhée

    There is nothing more important than the health of your pigs. Therefore, it is vital to learn about the signs and effects of enteric diseases in the swine herd. Enteric diseases are gastrointestinal disorders that, if left untreated, can re···...More>>
